We need your help to keep the Cumberland RCMP!
Last month, Cumberland County City Council announced they will soon be accepting proposals for a potential new police service. This comes after the Police Services Review Committee finalized its public consultation report, which offered two options to move forward with the County’s police services. Unfortunately, Council selected the most disruptive and typically expensive option: to issue a request for proposals (RFP) for policing, which could result in the selection of a new policing service for the region.
Our Members believe in continually adapting services to meet their community’s evolving public safety needs, including Cumberland County. The report to Counci and public feedback indicated that any police service in Cumberland must provide:
- Reduced response times in emergency situations
- Increased police presence
- Increased public reporting on crime reduction
- Provide fair and equal treatment for all citizens
Cumberland RCMP have been working to continue to evolve and improve on all aspects of police service. Investment and improvement in RCMP service is less costly and disruptive, with far more certainty, than transitioning to a new police service which would cost more and not significantly improve public safety.
The Council Review Committee did not look in-depth at services currently provided by the Cumberland RCMP, who will take the opportunity to showcase their extensive policing services and programs.
You can take action today by sharing your support for our RCMP Members serving in Cumberland County. Click here to sign and send a letter to Cumberland County Council telling them you want to keep your highly specialized RCMP Members in the community they proudly serve.
By sending a letter today, you will help inform council about the positive impact RCMP Members have on the community each and every day across the County.
To learn more about the efforts of the RCMP in Cumberland County, read the National Police Federation’s full submission to the police services committee and visit our website: www.ournsrcmp.ca/cumberland.
Thank you for your continued support, together we will keep the RCMP in Cumberland Country!